The new exhibition ‘AstrónomAs’ focuses on women who have dedicated their nights and days to the study of astronomy.
Apps to introduce you to astronomy
Our app selection to introduce you to the world of astronomy are:
Here are the winners of the drawing contest “Draw your own Asteroid!” 2021
From the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB) we are very pleased to announce the winners of the drawing contest “Draw your own Asteroid!” 2021.
Calendar of activities
Dark matter, the formation of galaxies, and gravitational lenses
The existence of dark matter in the Universe has been corroborated by a great diversity of observations.
Outreach talk "La Vía Láctea y sus encuentros con otras galaxias"
ICCUB-IEEC researcher Teresa Antoja will be next Friday, November 10, at the Museum of Science and Cosmos in Tenerife to talk about collisions between galaxies and galactic cannibalism.
Featured Materials
Is it viable for the United States to return to the Moon in 2024?
50 years after the arrival of man to the Moon, the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, said he would soon plant the United States' flag on the Moon and on the planet Mars.
Entrevista a J.M. Carrasco sobre el eclipse de Luna
On July 16th, a partial Lunar Eclipse is happening.
The life and death of the stars
Interview with the director of the ICCUB, Xavier Luri, about the life and death of the stars.
Can a supernova kill big animals?
Article in the newspaper Ara about a study that describes the mechanism that supernovae could affect the life
The Particle Physics Workshop of the ICCUB in the first 'Biennal Ciutat i Ciencia'
The Particle Physics Workshop participates at the 1st Biennal Ciutat i Ciència to be held in Barcelona from February 7 to 11. The Biennial organises during five days 70 free dissemination activities distributed in the 10 districts of the city and aims to facilitate the dissemination of scientific knowledge made in Barcelona and strengthen its link with the citizens.
Licia Verde awarded the Premi Nacional de Recerca 2018
Alba Cervera in ‘EL PAÍS con tu futuro’
Alba Cervera participates with the talk 'Tecnología para manipular la naturaleza' on Quantum Computing research in "El País con tu futuro" an event organised by El País which aims to help future degree students to choose their studies. Almost 50 speakers from different professional areas will be giving talks to 3600 students. "El País con tu futuro" is held on Thursday 18th and Wednesday 19th at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid.