The new exhibition ‘AstrónomAs’ focuses on women who have dedicated their nights and days to the study of astronomy.
Apps to introduce you to astronomy
Our app selection to introduce you to the world of astronomy are:
Here are the winners of the drawing contest “Draw your own Asteroid!” 2021
From the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB) we are very pleased to announce the winners of the drawing contest “Draw your own Asteroid!” 2021.
Calendar of activities
Dark matter, the formation of galaxies, and gravitational lenses
The existence of dark matter in the Universe has been corroborated by a great diversity of observations.
Outreach talk "La Vía Láctea y sus encuentros con otras galaxias"
ICCUB-IEEC researcher Teresa Antoja will be next Friday, November 10, at the Museum of Science and Cosmos in Tenerife to talk about collisions between galaxies and galactic cannibalism.
Featured Materials
Images of the solar eclipsi 2005 from Bicorp (València)
The Department of Astronomy and Meteorology of the University of Barcelona broadcast live the annular eclipse from Bicorp, Valencia.
Site imatges of the Venus's transit 2004
Here we show the transit images of Venus in 2004. Images are shown from Barcelona and from Àger.
Images of the transit of Venus 2004 from Barcelona
Images of the Venus transit taken from Barcelona by the UB.
Images of the transit of Venus 2004 from Barcelona with a CCD camera
Transmission of transit from Barcelona with images taken with a CCD camera. You can not see the entire solar crown in them.