Xavi Luri will deliver the talk "Life in the solar system" at the Monlau Studies Centre
Is there life on other planets in our solar system?
Is there life on other planets in our solar system?
Xavier Luri and Mercè Romero get the telescopes ready for the first and second graders of the Primary School Milagros Consarnau who today have observed Solar spots and flares.
The Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the UB returns to the Palmera Square to perform a public observation of the Moon to celebrate its neighbourhood festivities.
Researchers from the Gaia group at the Institute of Cosmos Scienc
“The first instants of the Universe”.
Spaceships that travel at the speed of light, teleportation, worm
Is there life on other planets of our Solar System?
The director of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB-IEEC),
Global astrometry in the near Infrared (NIR) has been selected as a key theme in the report Voyage 2050 published last Friday, June 11
First video of the virutal series of conferences "TOC-TOC", coordinated by the UB Divulga.
The astronomer and ICCUB director Xavier Luri will give the talk "The scientific method in everyday life" ne
The astronomer and ICCUB director Xavier Luri will give the talk "The scientific method in everyday life", next T
Interview with Xavier Luri & Eli Prats, Big Vang Ciència, about the possibility of extraterrestrial civilisations.
Interview with the director of the ICCUB, Xavier Luri, about the life and death of the stars.
Interview with Xavier Luri, ICCUB director and professor of the Quantum Physics and Astrophysics Department, analysing how cinema shows the Space.