International Day of Women & Girls in Science 2023
Next February
Next February
Ancient galaxies, atmospheres of exoplanets... What discoveries is the James Webb Space Telescope making that haven’t been observed before?
The Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona will participate once again in the Relativity Days organized by
Next Sunday May 8th at 11 AM, the Astronomical Society of Terrassa (AST) has prepared a surprise performance for all audiences:
The key astronomical date of this December is, without question,
Astrophysics began when observations of astronomy could be interpreted according to the physical laws governing the stars and other objects in the Universe.
The existence of dark matter in the Universe has been corroborated by a great diversity of observations.
The Solar System is home to a huge number of asteroids. Most of them lie between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Actualment sabem que l'Univers s'està expandint des que es va originar en el Gran Esclat (el que en anglès s'anom
Jordi Miralda, ICREA- ICCUB researcher and Xavier Luri, ICCUB director, talk about the new results of the research on the Hubble Constant made by the Nobel laureate Riess' team using Gaia's and Hubble's data.