Astronomical Phenomena

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Lunar Eclipse
Total Lunar Eclipse 27/07/2018

Next July 27 a Total Lunar Eclipse will be visible from Spain. However the rising Moon will already be partially eclipsed.

Lunar Eclipse
Partial Moon eclipse, July 16, 2019

On July 16, 2019 a Partial Lunar Eclipse will occur with a 0.653 umbra magnitude . The maximum of the eclipse will be at 21:30 pm TU and the event will end at 00:17 TU.

Lunar Eclipse
Total Moon eclipse (September 28, 2015)
On Monday 28th September 2015 a total lunar eclipse will be entirely visible from the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic and Canary Islands.
Lunar Eclipse
Total Moon eclipse (June 15, 2011)
El dimecres 15 de juny de 2011 es produirà un eclipsi total de lluna des de tota la Península Ibèrica, les Illes Balears i Canàries la Lluna sortirà ja totalment eclipsada
Lunar Eclipse
Total lunar eclipse (February 21, 2008)

During the night from 20th to 21st February 2008 a total lunar eclipse which will be visible from the whole Iberian Peninsula and both Balearic and Canary Islands will occur.

Lunar Eclipse
Total Moon Eclipse (May 4, 2004)
La nit del dia 4 de Maig de 2004 es va produir un eclipsi total de Lluna observable en bona part des de la Península Ibèrica.