
Mil milions d'ulls per a mil milions d'estrelles


Catalan printed version available for travelling.

3 possible itineraries:

  • Complete: 22 posters.
  • Technical: focus interest on Gaia's operating mode. 13 plafons.
  • Astronomical: emphasises scientific aspects of the mission and the results deduced of the obtained data. 17 posters.



To host the exhibition you will only be asked to take responsability for its transport and assembly

The exhibition "Mil milions d'ulls per a mil milions d'estrelles" is dedicated to the Gaia mission, designed and built by the European Space Agency to measure the positions, distances and movements of billions of stars.

The design of the content and the format of the exhibition have been made: L. Balaguer, J. M. Carrasco, C. Fabricius, F. Figueras, N. Garralda, C. Jordi, X. Luri, E. Masana, S. Olarte, S. Roca, M. Romero i J. Torra. All of the members of the ancient Department of Astronomy and Meteorology of the University of Barcelona.

Webpage of Gaia by the UB: GaiaUB

Available versions

  • Language

    A selection of 12 of the posters in the English version of the exhibition dedicated to science.

    This exhibition is completely avalaible, this selection is only a suggestion to take into account in the event that it is not possible to display the whole picture.

    Printed version available

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