The next Monday 3rd of October,2005 it will take place a solar annular eclipse. This eclipse will be visible in a strip of the Península Ibérica and in the African continent. This eclipse will be "partial" in the rest of Europe and most of Africa and Asia.

It reach the Península Ibérica, specifically in Galicia and the north of Portugal (8:51 UT). Then the route thru the Peninsula will touch Madrid (8:56 UT) where the annular phase will last a bit more than 4 minutes.
The annular eclipse strip will leave the Peninsula by the Cape de la Nao (País Valencia) to continue on the Mediterranean Sea. It will touch the island of Formentera and the south side of Ibisa.
In Catalonia, we observe the eclipse as partial with apparent magnitudes since 0.862 to the most distant places (Girona) to 0.902 in Tarragona. With an obscuration up to 86%.