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Interview with J.I. Latorre in El Mundo

Antonio Moreno/El Mundo
Interview to
José Ignacio Latorre, ICCUB

Interview with J. I. Latorre on the occasion of the release of his book "Ethics for machines", which defends an inevitable future in which machines will be better than us and more prepared to evolve.

José Ignacio Latorre Sentís is an ICCUB researcher, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Barcelona and director of the Pedro Pascual Science Center of Benasque. He is one of the most recognized Spanish physicists in the field of quantum physics. He has made crucial contributions to field theory and quantum interlocking. Its main lines of research revolve around quantum information, quantum entanglement, elemental particles and quantum field theory.

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The book "Ética para máquinas" by J.I. Latorre has been published

Ética para máquinas  a new popular science book written by the theoretical physicist  J. I. Latorre has been released by Ariel. The book seeks to cover the ethical needs of this 21st century which is characterized by the emergence of the advanced artificial intelligence, that puts into question the intellectual superiority of humans, their essence and their place in life.

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