
Chat with an Astronomer 2023

Cartell "Chateadoras 2023"
Sociedad Española de Astronomía (SEA)
Mercè Romero-Gómez, ICCUB-IEEC
Carme Jordi, ICCUB-IEEC
Maria Monguió, ICCUB-IEEC
Francesca Figueras, ICCUB [IEEC-UB]
Open to all

Next March 7, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. (Iberian Peninsula time), the 6th edition of "Chat with an Astronomer" will take place on February 11th: International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This activity is organized by the Women and Astronomy Commission of the Spanish Astronomy Society using the Tawk.to platform.

Carme Jordi, Cesca Figueras, Maria monguió and Mercè Romero from the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB) will be part of the team of 64 Spanish astrophysicists who will be available to chat about their research , their experience as female scientists, the research career or general astronomy topics.

The main objective of "Chat with an Astronomer" is to bring science closer to the general public through its female protagonists, thus giving visibility to their presence and relevance. "Chat with an Astronomer" is a unique outreach activity because it is available to anyone with an internet connection, regardless of how remote their location, and because it provides a direct and private platform for conversation between professional astrophysicists and the general public.

In the last edition of "Chat with an Astronomer" in February 2022, astrophysicist chatters attended more than 350 chats during which they held more than 120 hours of conversation. 

Next March 7, join the event and chat with an astronomer! Enter the chat by clicking on the following link.

If you are a teacher and want to connect with your class, we would appreciate it if you open a single chat per classroom to ensure that we can attend to as many chats as possible.

Let's chat on March 7!

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