Available Materials
How close are science and literature?
The apparent oddities of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity
"We are constantly travelling to the future": physicist Roberto Emparan, about the apparent oddities of Albert Ei
Science at the food of Misti
Spanish researcher in gravity and physics Roberto Emparan will participate in the Hay Festival Arequipa. He notes that Einstein did not understand everything that his own theory implies.
Alba Cervera interviewed by Ara
PhD researcher Alba Cervera, part of the Particle Physics and Quantum Information ICC groups, has just been interviewed by "Diari Ara" one of the most renowned newspaper in Catalonia.&nbs
Les dones i la ciència -A. Cervera
The ICCUB researcher Alba Cervera participates in the Radio programme Versió RAC1 talking about women in science with another two women scientists.
Investigadores en física nuclear
Exhibition devoted to researcher women who have significantly contributed to the field of Nuclear Physics.
Interview with Alba Cervera in INNOVASPAIN
Alba Cervera is interviewed as a future pioneer in quantum computing, awarded by IBM, INNOVASPAIN.
Maqueta de l'LHCb
Model of the LHCb made by the Grau Alcázar workshop, under the supervision of the group on particle physics at Universitat de Barcelona.
Unravelling the Dark Universe
Bookmark of Gaia
Bookmarks of the mission Gaia.
A finite universe and simpler than we thought
The last Stephen Hawking theory about the Universe has just been published by "Journal of High Energy Physics".