Images of auroras
Boreal aurora images captured in two different places and two different moments.
Boreal aurora images captured in two different places and two different moments.
The Department of Astronomy and Meteorology of the University of Barcelona broadcast live the annular eclipse from Bicorp, Valencia.
Here we show the transit images of Venus in 2004. Images are shown from Barcelona and from Àger.
Images of the Venus transit taken from Barcelona by the UB.
Transmission of transit from Barcelona with images taken with a CCD camera. You can not see the entire solar crown in them.
The Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB) participated in the VIII Science Festival of the UB las
La boira va impedir la retransmissió total de l'esdeveniment
Much of the eclipse could not be broadcasted due to the fog.
Imatges de la xerrada de Xavier Luri a la Biblioteca Can Llaurador de Teià.