El format dels plafons és:
- Nº posters: 14
- support: printed on canvas. Bars at the top and the bottom of the posters with ringbolts to hang them.
- Size: 118,9 x 104,1 cm.
- Packaging: 2 cardboard tubes. diameter:15 cm ; lenght: 135 cm
Secretaria de planta 7a
Departament de Física Quàntica i Astrofísica
Facultat de Física i Química
Carrer Martí i Franquès, 1
08028 Barcelona
The office staff will not be able to help with the transport.
What is the role of women in the history of physics? What are their contributions?
The exhibition "Dones i física" is a small tour through the experiences, scientific contributions and symbols that represent some of the women who lived in the past but are part of the history of today's physics.