
Cosmic distances

Les distàncies còsmiques

El format dels plafons és (versió catalana):

  • Nº plafons: 7
  • Impressions encapsulades enrotllables amb suports d'alumini a dalt i baix
  • Mida: 150 x 100 cm
  • Subjecció: ancoratges a la part superior de cada plafó (dreta i esquerra)



  • Desats en 2 tubs de cartó de 15 cm * 160 cm
  • Per al seu transport n'hi haurà prou amb un turisme gran amb seients abatibles


Adreça per a recollir-la:
Secretaria de planta 7a
Departament de Física Quàntica i Astrofísica
Facultat de Física i Química
Carrer Martí i Franquès, 1
08028 Barcelona

El personal de secretaria no us podrà ajudar en els seu transport.
Les persones que envieu han de poder portar-la.


L'exposició és gratuïta, l'únic requisit és fer-vos càrrec del transport.

Recordeu tenir cura de l'exposició, els desperfectes que detecti cada centre correran a càrrec del centre anterior.

Traveling exhibition showing the methods of measuring distances to celestial bodies and how these methods have been developed over the years according to the distances to be measured.

Some of the procedures used in the past are today obsolete due to inaccuracies, others have been improved with new instruments, and it is imperative that they measure even greater distances. The fact is that the different methods applied at different distances are not independent of each other. To estimate the distance to the farthest galaxy we need to know the distance that separates us from nearby galaxies. At the same time, these near distances could not be calculated without first knowing how far the stars are and how far we are from the Sun. The size of the Universe is calculated starting with the bodies closest to us and going ever farther, with procedures successive and dependent.

Although the exhibit was created due to the transit of Venus from June 5-6, 2012, it is a timeless exhibition.

The contents and format of the exhibition were designed by L. Balaguer, J. M. Carrasco, C. Jordi, E. Masana, S. Olarte, S. Roca and M. Romero. All of them are members of the Department of Astronomy and Meteorology of the University of Barcelona.

Available versions