Talks in educational centres

Cristian Moreno at the Community Centre of la Verneda and La Pau

Cristian Moreno, ICCUB
Students of the course

Cosmology, Dark Energy, Inflation... These concepts are on the order of the day in scientific research buy oftentimes we don’t really know what they mean. The PhD Student Cristian Moreno will offer the outreach talk “Dark Energy” to the students of the schools of the neighbourhoods of La Pau and La Verneda and their families to change that.

This talk is part of the Camins Infinits project, an initiative of the University of Barcelona with the goal of providing answers to the questions that kids and teenagers have about the world of research.

Here you can find all the details about the event:


In this talk, I will first explain who I am, my story, what I do in my day-to-day and why I decided to do what I do. Afterwards, I will explain what cosmology is, and I will focus particularly on Dark Energy, which is my area of research. We will see what Dark Energy is, its special properties and its link to the fate of the Universe. Finally, I will briefly comment on the evidences we have of its existence.

When? Wednesday, December 1st at 5 PM

Where? Centre Comunitari de La Verneda i La Pau (Barcelona)


Camins Infinits

What makes a person decide to join the science world? What is the path of a scientist? Do people really know who and how scientists are? Do they all work in a lab? The answers are so diverse and varied as the knowledge areas.

Camins Infinits wants to provide answers to the questions that kids and young adults have about the world of research. This project wants to bring students and young researchers of the University of Barcelona closer with two goals in mind: to foster the social interest in science and knowledge and to improve the communication skills of young researchers.

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Talks in educational centres
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