
I Tesimarathon of Physics

Comissió de Dinamització Lingüística de la facultat de Física de la UB
Comissió de Dinamització Lingüística de la Facultat de Física
Open to all

The Linguistic Dynamization Commission joins the initiative that the Comission of the Faculty of Chemistry has been carrying out since 2018 and calls the 1st Physics Tesismarathon. Its objective is for the PhD students of the Faculty to make a 4-minute oral presentation in Catalan of the topic and objectives of their doctoral work.

The initiative, apart from training and showcasing the communicative and synthesis skills of the participants, aims to promote scientific communication among young researchers and highlight the importance of the dissemination of science and the interest that research has for the society.

The PhD students are asked to make a short, informative presentation, using rigorous, but at the same time simple language, to reach a general audience with scientific concerns in a direct and clear manner.

The open session of presentations will take place on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., in Sala de Graus Eduard Fontserè. The communications chosen by the jury and by popular vote will be announced and the prizes will be awarded on Friday, June 17 at the same place.

We encourage PhD students to participate and the public to attend. It is a good opportunity to meet at the Faculty to share knowledge and communication, in 4 minutes and in Catalan! See you there!


Information and bases